Rates & Policies

Listed below, you will find our current rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.  479-667-3554

Water Rates for Residential/Commercial Users within the City Limits

Monthly Minimum: $8.21
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill: 1000 Gallons
Usage (gallons): $/1,000 gallons:
1,000+ $2.00/1000 gal

Our community's water meters are read each month. Please contact our office for any additional information.

A deposit along with a completed water service application must be submitted before service can begin.  Water deposits are refunded when water service is disconnected and all outstanding bills are paid.

Per City Ordinance ALL residential customers within the City Limits will be charged $14.11 per month for sanitation pick up.

Customers outside the City limits may choose to have sanitation pick up added to their monthly water bills for $20.47.

Sewer Rates for Residential/Commercial Users within the City Limits

Monthly Minimum: $5.46
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill: 1000 Gallons
Usage (gallons): $/1000 gallons:
1000 + $1.53/1000 gal

Sewer service is provided only to customers within the City Limits and charges are based on water usage.

Water Rates For Residential/Commercial Users Outside City Limits

Monthly Minimum: $16.64
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill: 1000 Gallons
Usage (gallons): $/1000 gallon:
1000 + $ 2.88/1000 gal

Wholesale Water Users

All Gallons $1.58/1000 gal

Meter Deposits

Home/Business Owner Deposits

Renters/Bulk Water Users Deposits


Water Tap Fees

City Outside City
3/4" $585.00 3/4" $689.00
1" $901.00 1" $1,007.00
2" $2,332.00 2" $2,438.00
Larger than 2"- $2,332 plus actual cost Larger than 2"- $2,438 plus actual cost

Road Bore Taps (Extra Cost If Road Bore Cant Be Done By Water Department Personnel)

All Tap Fees Are Non-Refundable

Street cut for water tap - $265

Sewer Tap Fees

City Only
4" $318.00
6" $636.00

Road Bore Taps (Extra Cost If Road Bore Cant Be Done By Water Department Personnel)

All Tap Fees Are Non-Refundable

Street Cut for Sewer Tap - $265

Bulk Water Purchasers

Monthly Minimum: $31.27
Water Included w/ Minimum Bill: 1000 Gallons.
Usage (gallons): $/1000 gallon:
1000 + $1.58/1,000 gal